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A Better 5E Lesson Plan Template for High School: Make Inquiry-Based Science Lessons Work Every Day

The 5E instructional model has been widely used in science classrooms for years, providing a structured framework to help students engage with scientific concepts. While it has many benefits, traditional 5E lesson plan templates are often implemented in ways that don’t fully support high school-level depth or daily, period-long lessons. Instead, they’re commonly used in middle school, where lessons can stretch over multiple days, allowing for extended exploration.

So, how can we modify the 5E lesson plan template to better suit high school classrooms where inquiry-based learning needs to happen every day, within a single class period? And how do we ensure that lessons don’t just offer opportunities for exploration but also ensure achievement on assessments and build real-world scientific thinking and communication skills?

Read on for the answers to these questions, or watch this video and get a complete overview of my alternative lesson plan template for science:


Breaking Free from Lecture-Based Science Teaching

If you’re a secondary science teacher—whether you teach biology, chemistry, physics, earth science, or an elective—you probably chose this career to share your passion for the wonders that nature holds. You may have start out hoping to pass along some of that inspiration to your students by crafting lessons that tapped into their innate curiosity.

teacher is excited about his inquiry-based science lessons and another teacher feels like a failure

But along the way, you likely ran into some challenges:

  • Testing doesn’t measure curiosity.
    • Standardized exams don’t assess wonder, excitement, or inspiration, yet your students need to pass them.
  • You’re restricted by a lack of resources.
    • Maybe you don’t have access to the lab materials you think you need to make it happen or you teach in a model where hands-on learning is difficult.
  • Classroom management is a serious struggle.
    • When you’ve tried student-led activities in the past, it quickly devolved into chaos! Students may have lost focus, stopped when they encountered a challenge, or never started to begin with.

If you’re reading this, you’re probably thinking: “I love the idea of student-centered science instruction, but I just don’t know how to make it work in my classroom.”

You’re not alone!

Many science teachers face the same frustrations—balancing engagement with structure, exploration with assessment, and curiosity with classroom control.

3 scales depict the balancing act that is involved in leading high school science with inquiry-based science lessons

So how do you create a learning experience that is both inquiry-driven and manageable?

One approach that has helped countless educators bridge this gap is the use of a 5E lesson plan template—a research-backed framework designed to bring structure to student-led discovery.

Benefits of the TRADITIONAL 5E Lesson Plan Template

The 5E lesson plan template is built around five phases of learning: Engaging, Exploring, Explaining, Elaborating, and Evaluating. This framework is particularly effective for structuring student-centered, inquiry-based science lessons, as it helps students build knowledge through experience rather than passively receiving information.

infographic describing 4 benefits of using a 5e lesson plan template to prep inquiry-based science lessons

Using A 5E Lesson Plan Template Encourages Exploration

Students actively investigate before being taught each concept. Instead of passively receiving information, they engage in student-controlled activities, experiments, or discussions that spark curiosity and help them construct their own understanding. This allows students to develop critical thinking skills before formal instruction begins. These elements are essential for creating an effective inquiry-based science lesson, as they encourage students to take an active role in their learning.

Using a 5E Lesson Plan Template Supports Depth of Knowledge

Learning builds through scaffolded steps. Each phase of the 5E lesson plan template reinforces prior knowledge and gradually introduces new concepts, ensuring students make meaningful connections rather than just memorizing isolated facts. This progression helps students retain information more effectively, making it a key strategy for developing inquiry-based science lessons that engage students in higher-order thinking.

Using a 5E Lesson Plan Template Naturally Aligns with NGSS and 3D Learning Principles

Students discover core concepts through guided activities. The 5E framework aligns with NGSS by encouraging students to think and work like scientists, collecting data, analyzing results, and developing explanations based on evidence rather than direct instruction. This approach strengthens the scientific practices necessary for an inquiry-based science lesson, allowing students to build conceptual understanding while engaging in authentic scientific inquiry.

Using a 5E Lesson Plan Template Minimizes Passive Learning and Encourages Learner-Centered Behaviors

Students work through challenges rather than just absorbing information. Inquiry-based activities encourage students to take ownership of their learning through problem-solving, data analysis, and collaboration. This active engagement leads to greater retention, more confidence in scientific thinking, and a deeper understanding of core ideas. By incorporating these strategies into an inquiry-based science lesson, educators can create a more engaging and effective classroom experience where students are truly invested in their learning.

Why the TRADITIONAL 5E Lesson Plan Template Needs to Be Modified for High School Science

While the 5E lesson plan template works beautifully in many elementary and middle school classrooms, high school teachers face unique challenges that require some modifications:

  1. Time Constraints → A full 5E lesson plan template cycle often takes several class periods, which isn’t always feasible in high school settings where pacing is faster.
  2. Depth of Content → High school science involves more complex, abstract concepts that require greater analytical thinking within shorter time frames.
  3. Assessment Alignment → High school students must be prepared for AP, SAT Subject Tests, state exams, or end-of-course assessments, meaning lessons must integrate skills-based learning and content mastery to ensure achievement.
  4. Student Buy-In → An inquiry-based science lesson thrown into the mix every now and again isn’t going to cut it! Active, inquiry-based instructional approaches work best when used consistently rather than as an occasional “special” lesson (like “lab day”!). Students need structure and repetition in the inquiry process so it becomes a habit, not a novelty. Due to the aforementioned challenges, high school science teachers often have trouble executing 5E lessons with enough frequency to hone the science practice skills students obtain from them.

A MORE PRACTICAL approach to planning an inquiry-based science lesson for high school

To make inquiry-based science lessons more effective within a high school framework, I use a modified version of the 5E lesson plan template that can be delivered within a single class period while still maintaining the active, student-centered approach that makes 5E effective.

This lesson plan template provides the structure and consistency necessary to ensure that inquiry-based learning is happening every day.

teacher deciding what elements to include in their inquiry-based science lessons that are similar to 5e lesson plan templates

Tweaking the 5E Lesson Plan Template to Make It Work Better for High School:

“Engage” becomes “Review & Preview”

The Review & Preview section ensures students activate prior knowledge before diving into a new concept. This step grabs their attention, sparks curiosity, and helps them see the relevance of what they are about to learn and provides the opportunity to expose them to relevant phenomena. Thought-provoking questions about real-world scenarios or prior academic experience work well here to establish meaningful connections. It’s not just about refreshing old knowledge—it’s about setting the stage for what’s to come.

“Explore” becomes an “Observation Activity”

The Student-Centered, Inquiry-Based Learning Experience is the beating heart of an inquiry-based science lesson for high school students! It puts them in the driver’s seat, letting them directly investigate a phenomenon through hands-on experiments, collaborative tasks, or digital simulations. Instead of passively receiving information, they become actively engaged in observing, making inferences, asking questions, and discussing with peers. Plus, it’s flexible enough to rely on free web-based tools to facilitate this stage without the need for expensive lab setups, making an inquiry-based science lesson accessible to any organization or learning model.

“Explain”, “Elaborate”, and “Evaluate” become “Data-Dependent Analysis”

The Data-Dependent Analysis portion helps students synthesize their findings and construct meaning from their observations. Instead of the teacher immediately stepping in with direct instruction, students use their recorded data to identify trends, recognize cause-and-effect relationships, and articulate their reasoning. This step allows science concepts to emerge naturally rather than being imposed from the top down. The intentional, guided-inquiry design of an artifact outline allows easy differentiation of both the activity and the data analysis, ensuring that we’re serving every student in our classrooms.

Data-Dependent Analysis also provides opportunities to connect ideas across disciplines and real-world applications. This portion of my alternative 5E lesson plan template for high school classrooms helps students go beyond memorization by integrating their new knowledge with other scientific principles. I encourage them to look for patterns, trends, and relationships across different scientific disciplines, using crosscutting concepts like cause and effect, structure and function, and energy flow to deepen understanding.

Skill Practice Proves That Learning Transfers from Activity to Assessment

The Skill Practice & Formative Assessment portion of this lesson plan template ensures students can apply their knowledge and prepares them for exams. I use multiple forms of evaluation, from exit tickets and structured reflections to collaborative discussions and peer evaluations. It’s at this point that we’re able, as teachers, to correct misconceptions early, before they become ingrained. In this way, every inquiry-based science lesson leads to measurable student progress while maintaining an engaging, student-driven environment.

How This alternative 5E Lesson Plan Template Improves Classroom Management

When students take ownership of their learning, behavior problems decrease significantly. With this structured framework:

  • Students must stay engaged to complete the lesson successfully. As a teacher, you’ll more clearly discern when students are actually struggling or simply not trying.
  • Performance is directly tied to participation and engagement—if they don’t engage, they won’t succeed. In this way, it also creates high expectations for the classroom and communicates it as a core value.
  • Activities require collaboration, analysis, and discussion, naturally increasing rigor of the content. Alternatively, where less rigor is desired, slight adjustments to these active elements of learning produce swift results.

Gone are the days of students zoning out or mindlessly copying notes. With this approach, students are actively doing science every day—which means they are thinking, questioning, and discovering rather than just listening.

an inspirational quote encouraging high school science teachers to use inquiry-based science lessons because failure is expected

How This alternative 5E Lesson Plan Template IMPROVES GROWTH MINDSET

What we really need to foster in our students—beyond content knowledge—is a growth mindset.

But we don’t need to lecture about it.

Instead, let’s create a classroom environment where failure is part of the process, just like real science where . . .

  • Scientists are wrong more often than they are right.
  • Science is a process of experimenting, testing, refining, and questioning.
  • Resilience, grit, and critical thinking skills are developed through continual improvement of multiple trials.


inquiry-based science lesson plan template mockup

Download this Inquiry & Action Science Teacher Toolkit to get even more in-depth insight into how to use this template PLUS a activity tracker to make sure your future instructional decisions are data driven!

Lab In Every Lesson Is One Of My Babies!

3I’ve been teaching chemistry from my home office before you even knew it was a thing!  For 15 years, I’ve taught online for a cyber charter school in my home state of Pennsylvania.

My perception of the inherent obstacles related to this distance learning model left me doing nothing more than delivering lectures for nearly 9 years.   Then, when I made up my mind to BE ME … to bring science to life for my students despite the distance, I devised a student-centered lesson planning and delivery strategy with inquiry-based activities as the foundation.

Now, I feel so fulfilled because I know the work my students do in class will serve them well in the real world.  Plus, the work never gets boring because my focus is on the students, not my script!

This student-centered science system allows me to be truly present after hours with my other babies … my husband, Al, my sons Max (age 12) and Zach (age 10), and my Cavalier King Charles, Cookie (age 3).

Work With Lisa



  • Design inquiry-based activities that captivate your kiddos . . .
  • Craft complete lessons made of meaningful moments . . .
  • Implement all the student-centered, active learning principles as part of a complete strategic system with personalized support  . . .
  • Deliver my done-for-you, plug-and-play chemistry curriculum . . .

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